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Carrie Underwood Shares Details Of Fire

Carrie Underwood is sharing details about the house fire that took place at her home on Father’s Day Sunday.

Her team revealed that thankfully no human or pet was injured in the fire. It was started by a UTV stored in the garage. Fire crews were called at 9:42 p.m. to the home that Carrie and her husband, Mike Fisher, own. It turns out the couple’s 10,000 gallon water tank was extremely helpful in controlling and putting out the blaze. Eight different fire truck crews responded, with some of the crews remaining on the scene for several hours to extinguish hot spots on the property.

Carrie’s team shared the fire was “quickly contained.” They also revealed, “There was no fire damage to the primary residence, and the family and their pets were unharmed.”

We’re glad to hear the situation was under control quickly and no one was injured.