


:  album cover
photo by kim alexis photography (www.kimalexisphotography.com)

Whitney Allen

What did you want to be when you were 5? And really…what kid actually gets to be the astronaut, rockstar, explorer, or radio host?!? Whitney Allen, that’s who! Her parents bought her a red transistor radio (that she slept with under her pillow every night) and adopted her first cat, Thomasina (who slept with her every night.) That’s when she knew, it was radio or animals. Since she was better at talking than biology, she knew she was going to be on the radio. So at the age of 5, she set out to make it BIG.

Before her first radio gig, Whitney heard a DJ who sounded like a woman that wanted to steal your boyfriend. If Whitney was going to be a DJ, that was not the sound she was going for. KATA in Eureka, California was the first station to give her a shot on the air. There, Whitney spent 2 years in place of that exact girl that wanted to “steal your boyfriend.” When she had enough of the northern California rain, Whitney headed south to San Diego. Warming up not just in the sun, but on CHR’s two hottest stations, nostalgia, AC and her first foray into country.

Now, 5 nights a week, on The Big Time, Whitney hangs out and occasionally…ok, often,  harasses listeners and artists. She gives credit to the chaotic (and usually drunk) team behind her, because The Big Time is too BIG for one person to handle. It really takes listeners, artists, music and a dream team to make Whitney’s  dream come true.

When she’s not on the radio, or backstage at the biggest country concerts,  Whitney loves the outdoors, redecorating, napping, and Mexico. Her furry kids, Paloma, Leela, and Ramon, But Mattie, Flue and Chakita live in her heart forever. And the cats Luna and Winchmore (no we didn’t name her ). Luckily, even without a degree in veterinary medicine, with the power of radio, she still gets to help animals through different charities. And, in keeping her promise to never sound like the girl that wants to steal your boyfriend, she’s got a man of her own.